11 October 2010

OMG, We've Moved!

Stamp Tramps are judging at a different url now! Follow us here for email updates, easy tweeting, sharing, and larger, prettier layouts!

Tramp with us!

13 September 2010

something smells fishy & I don't mean your lady

Yeah, I can see that in my bed when I wake up and roll over in the morning. Koi: strangely sexy when done well? Who knew a bunch of cliched fish could be so damn sexy?

Verdict: totes fuckable

25 July 2010

tweet tweet hoot hoot

You know what I really like? Birds. So guess what you can look forward to seeing a whole lot more of on this blog? Mother fucking birds. In this installment of BIRDS ON YOUR BODY, I'd like to present you with a gorgeous owl tattoo that's just realistic enough without being something you don't want too close to your lady bits. This hand and the awesomeness all over its wrist is totally invited to touch me where I pee.

Verdict: totes fuckable

um, those go IN you not ON you.

You know what isn't sexy? McDonald's.

Verdict: not fuckable.

24 July 2010

body beautiful

Apparently, this tattoo is based on a sketch by the artist whose work inspired Lilo and Stitch, the tattoo artist inked this on her husband as practice, and I think it is kind of awesome. I'm really into the idea of this tattoo as it ages, since her tats age with you. Adorbs, no?

Verdict: totes fuckable

maybe the best way to get laid

Ladies, which is worse, the smacking or the socks? It might almost be a toss up for me.

Verdict: not fuckable

22 July 2010

oh crap.

Too late, buddy - a tattoo artist already took a shit on your arm.

Verdict: not fuckable

18 July 2010

Femi nist

This tattooed musician was submitted by a reader (heyyy B!) with the caption: "This one screams put it in me."

Well, yes.

Verdict: totes fuckable.

29 June 2010

emotionally overcompensating

Well, Brenda definitely knows that you either love her or you're super crazy and do spontaneous, stupid things to your back with ink. Spontaneous, stupid things. Wow. Brenda. You are such a lucky girl. Bonus: if you ever forget your name, all you have to do is turn this guy over.

Verdict: not fuckable

27 June 2010

diddle a fiddle. make your own inappropriate pun.

I'm not saying I'd go gay for it, but yeah, I think that's playable. Creative, unique, and it shows a sense of her own body and how best to accessorize and accentuate it. Kudos.

Verdict: totes fucakble